It is believed in many cultures and religions that we are not only a physical body, we're not made of only flesh and bone. Many beleive in the existence of an inner self, a soul if you prefer it that way, our conscious form, where emotions, feelings and thoughts are somewhat stored.

Due to our perception of only the physical and our limitations we don't usually are aware of anything else besides this physical form we see. But what if it was possible, in a conscious and fully aware manner, to actually expand our consciousness beyond our body? To leave the body and not be restricted by physics laws of gravity and space?

The basics of these out of body experiences are simple, when in one, you leave your earthly body and simply wander in your etheral one.

This is a matter that has been studied by many and many others have shunned upon it, but no matter which side one might be on, its still interesting to look into it.

 The general reported feeling that people say they felt when in an Out of Body Experience(OBE) is one of floating, drifting out of their physical body and being able to watch themselves laying down. It has also been reported that during an OBE people can do all sorts of things, fly to very distance places, visit friends, family and even meet their spirit guides(we'll later talk about these). There are limitations of course there's no way to communicate with the physical world, either through sounds or touch or anything, since you're not in the same realm at the time.

There are various forms of OBE inducing techniques, some more controled than others, which are the following:

 - During sleep - There are cases of people spontaneously having an OBE during sleep, sometimes can be mistaken with Lucid Dreaming(another subject for later).

- Near-death experiences - when in an almost dead state, either during a surgery or accident, people have said to see themselves in the accident or hospital bed.

 - Induced - Mechanical(with audio called binaural beats) or mental, which can be trained with tie and patience, through meditation and control of one's consciousness.

Many of you might be asking: well if you actually leave your body, can't anything or anyone doing the same thing as you get inside while you're "out"? Well, there are no reports of such thing as a possession(more on it later) and its believed to be related to a thing all people see when in an OBE, which is a silver thread that seems to link the physical and spiritual body's fronthead, its not limited by length nor does it seem to break.

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